You are currently viewing Golden VISA Eligibility – Dubai, UAE
eligibility for golden visa in dubai
  • Post published:October 22, 2022
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The Golden Visa is the best and the easiest system that enables foreigners to live, work and study in the UAE for up to 10 years. As we all know that getting the right to live and work in another country can be a long and difficult process, but you can make it easier by spending a quality sum of money.

The golden visa UAE system allows wealthy people to get residency permits by purchasing a house or making a large investment or donation.Simply put, a Golden visa in UAE is capable enough to attract certain groups of expatriates and wealthy foreign people to settle in the country in exchange for bringing part of their wealth with them.

With the popularity of the Golden Visa among foreigners, UAE is putting much effort to expand categories and eligibility to get UAE Golden Visa. As a result, UAE is experiencing significant growth in position in different spheres helping UAE to become one of the world’s leading hubs for global business and investment.

The Eligibility to Get UAE Golden Visa:

UAE introduced the Golden Visa scheme mainly to attract the world’s best talents by allowing them to live, work, conduct business, and study in Dubai or anywhere in UAE without a national sponsor. Moreover, UAE also allows business owners to get complete ownership of their business within the UAE for up to ten years with the promise and agreement to automatically renew the visa.

Golden Visa UAE for Professionals:

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) eligibility category is gradually increasing. Now, it is not only applicable to wealthy persons and businessmen. Rather, UAE is also issuing visas to talented professionals with great minds from different fields including education, law, science, technology, health, research, and many others with some eligibility conditions such as:

  • The individual must possess a valid UAE employment contract.
  • The individual should be classified in the first to second occupational level as per the classification mentioned by the Ministry of Human Resource and Emiratisation.
  • The individual must have a standard educational level and must have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
  • The monthly income of the individual should be no less than AED 30,000 (USD 8,167).

Golden Visa for Real Estate Investors:

Golden Visa UAE also enables real estate investors to get residency in Dubai simply by filling in some conditions such as:

  • Purchasing a property worth no less than AED 2 million.
  • Purchasing a property with a loan from specified local banks.
  • Purchasing one or more complete or off-plan properties of a minimum of AED 2 million from the list of approved local real estate companies.
  • Investment funds should be completely owned and adequate proof must be given. Funding through a loan will not be approved.
  • The applicant must have an insurance document for themselves and their family members.

Golden Visa for Entrepreneurs & Startup Owners:

The primary reason for introducing the UAE Golden Visa was to project the UAE as a leading destination for business investment and encourage business development in the region simply by allowing entrepreneurs and startup owners to come, contribute and invest in a business with some eligibility criteria such as:

  • The individual must be the owner of a project that has a value of 500,000 dirhams or above in a field certificate in the UAE.
  • The individual must be approved as a certified business incubator and a founder of the project.
  • Applicants must have health insurance coverage for themselves along with their family members.

Golden Visa for Exceptional Talents:

When it comes to the category of exceptionally talented individuals and specialists in different fields like art, culture, digital technology, sports, innovation, medicine, law, and many others, there are some conditions for getting UAE Golden Visa including:

  • The applicant must be a certificate or award holder for his area of specialization.
  • It largely depends on the specific talent rather than education, qualification, employment status, monthly salary, or professional status.
  • Applicants who are specialists in fields must be significant to the UAE. Here, the recommendation of a federation or local government entity is highly required.

Golden Visa UAE for Engineers:

Engineers from different areas such as electronic engineers, computer engineers, programming engineers, and biotechnology engineers may likewise get the 10-year visa for UAE without a sponsor which is renewable. The requirements include:

  • The individual must have an attested degree or a letter of equivalence from the Ministry of Education for the academic degree.
  • The applicant must have an employment offer in some specific fields including Epidemiology and Viruses, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Computer Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Genetic Engineering, and also Biotechnology Engineering.
  • The individual must possess a duplicate of the sponsored residence.

Golden Visa UAE for Scientists:

UAE has also granted Golden Golden Visas to scientists for 10 years, granted to both the applicants and their family members without a sponsor that is subjected to renewal. But, it is necessary to fulfill some criteria such as:

  • The individual must possess a recommendation letter from “The Emirates Scientists Council” or a letter from “The Rashid Award for Scientific Outstanding” that declares that the applicant has been awarded the Medal of Scientific outstanding.
  • The applicant must have a copy of sponsored passport.

Golden Visa UAE for Skilled Workers:

Golden Visa proves to be a game-changer for skilled workers. This is considered an important move initiated by the UAE Golden Visa program, 2019 to attract, retain and reward exceptional talent from the technology sector and other industries. The visas are valid for up to 10 years and are intended to encourage exceptional workers to come, stay and work in the UAE. USE does not restrict the maximum duration of stay outside the UAE to keep the Golden Visa valid. The requirements include:

  • Workers must possess a valid contract of employment in the UAE.
  • The workers must work under the occupational level one to two as mentioned by the Ministry of Human Resource Emiratisation.
  • The minimum monthly salary of the workers should be more than 30,000 Dirhams.
  • When it comes to educational qualifications, the workers must have a minimum bachelor’s degree.

Golden Visa UAE for Humanitarians Pioneers:

UAE Golden Visa is also applicable for Humanitarian pioneers for 10 years. But the applicant must have to meet the criteria to qualify as a pioneer of humanitarian work.

  • The applicant must be an outstanding employee with experience working for leading International and regional organizations for a minimum of five years of experience.
  • The individual must be an outstanding employee who has worked for civil associations and institutions of public interest for a minimum of five years.
  • The applicant must have received a certificate or award from a local, regional or international organization for his or her contribution to humanitarian work.

Golden Visa UAE for Doctors and Nurses:

Talents related to healthcare sectors such as doctors and nurses can also apply for UAE Golden Visa for up to 10 years simply by meeting some requirements mentioned below:

  • The applicant must have an approved letter from the Ministry of Health and Prevention in the UAE to practice his/her profession of medicine.
  • The applicant must have a letter of recommendation from the Emirates Council of Scientists or a letter from the Secretariat of the Mohammed bin Rashid Medal for Scientific Excellence along with a medal or certificate for excellence.

Golden Visa UAE Validity:

The UAE Golden Visa is a 10 years residency scheme that is renewable and reserved for certain categories with exceptional talents as mentioned above. The best thing is that it also allows the family members of the Golden Visa Holders to stay in the UAE even after the death of the Visa holder.

Though previously UAE Golden Visa holders were only allowed to spend 6 months outside the UAE for not tot to lose their residency, now UAE does not raise any issue even if the Golden Visa holders stay outside the UAE for a long period. They need not worry about losing their residency. Depending on the occupation, you only need to properly apply for one of the many available types of UAE Golden Visa categories.

If you have any concerns regarding the Golden visa registration. Contact us  DAMAAR business setup consultants

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